Slider product (Header)

Due to personal reasons, we are not currently accepting online orders - we anticipate to have this enabled again within 4-6 weeks, please keep checking back or drop us an email for enquiries.

This does not affect any existing orders you have placed which will be processed as normal.

Thank you for your patience and custom.

Gift Voucher

Gift Voucher

SKU: Gift_Voucher
* Gift Voucher Value:

You are purchasing an e voucher we'll send a voucher code to your chosen recipient by email so they can use this on our website to purchase a mouth guard to the value of the voucher. The reciever of the e voucher will have 6 months to use it.


How does it work?

Place your order

Place your order

We send you an impression kit

We send you an impression kit

Follow the simple instructions to create an impression

Follow the simple instructions to create an impression

Return the kit

Return the kit

We send out your custom fit and designed gumshield

We send out your custom fit and designed gumshield